Potsdam Rotary Scholarship Golf Tournament 2021

15 May 2021 |
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The Rotary Club of Potsdam invites the North Country community to its 17th annual Potsdam Rotary Scholarship Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 15, at the Potsdam Town & Country Club.
Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m., with lunch at 11:00 and a shotgun start at 11:30. The event will culminate in a fun seafood & barbecue celebration and prizes. The cost includes greens fees, carts, lunch, and a seafood and barbecue dinner.
Registrations for foursomes are now being accepted at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-potsdam-rotary-scholarship-golf-tournament-tickets-142422313975.
The event will take place weather permitting, keeping golfer safety and course maintenance in mind as well.
The Potsdam Town & Country Club will be meticulously preparing carts and the course in keeping with all recommended pandemic guidelines. Meals will be seated while observing all social distancing requirements.
Proceeds from the tournament support Potsdam Rotary's BOCES College Scholarship Program, as well as other scholarship projects, such as a Potsdam High School Scholarship, Dodge Pond summer camp scholarships for developmentally disabled children, and the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.
Please contact Christa Carroll at 315-742-2555 or potsdamrotarygolf@gmail.com with any questions. More details are available at http://potsdamrotary.org.
Please register your team and submit your sponsorship at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-potsdam-rotary-scholarship-golf-tournament-tickets-142422313975 by April 30 for this important community event!