A new custom Rotary license plate will soon be available for New York State Rotarians! The new custom plate will feature the Rotary logo and our motto, "Service Above Self." District 7120 Governor Janet Tenreiro along with District 7040 Area Governor Michael Griffin are taking point on this project, which has the support of all nine district governors in New York State. The new plate will take the place of Rotary's current custom plate in New York, which uses the old logo and has no motto. In order for New York State to move ahead on printing the new plates, we need to get at least 200 New York State Rotarians to express interest in ordering the new custom license plate. If you are interested in ordering a plate, please contact Michael Griffin.
After we get our 200 Rotarians signed up, we'll let those interested know, share the list with New York State and the project will move ahead!
Personalized custom plates (you pick the characters, i.e., "RTRY"), and custom plates that include the Universal Symbol of Access (formerly "handicapped" plates), for individuals who qualify, will also be available.
An initial fee and an additional annual renewal fee, in addition to your vehicle registration renewal fee, will be billed for the plates every two years when you renew your registration.
We hope that you consider supporting this exciting project, which will spread our Rotary message around the state and country!
Thank you!